• June 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Back Comfort at Home As stay-at-home restrictions are loosened, chiropractic patients are getting long-delayed treatments for pain in their backs, necks, and limbs. But for the many who are still observing some degree of physical distancing, incurring musculoskeletal problems at home remains a significant

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  • May 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Runners Are you a casual runner, someone who starts each day with a jog? Or perhaps a marathon runner, training for your next big 30k? Whatever type of runner you classify yourself, it’s important that you keep your body ready for the kind of running you love to do.

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  • April 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Multiple Sclerosis, also known as MS, is a progressive chronic disease that attacks the body’s nervous system. Patients experience symptoms like numbness in the arms and legs along with paralysis or blindness. The severity depends on the patient. The only thing that is standard across the board is

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  • March 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Chiropractic Care for Headaches Are you prone to headaches? If so, you’ve probably realized that performing normal, day to day activities is nearly impossible if you suffer from them consistently. If severe enough, like a migraine, it feels like relief is unachievable at times. Maybe you’ve tried

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  • February 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Back Muscle Spasms Back muscle spasms are one of the most common causes of back pain and affect people of all levels of activity. Convulsions can happen anytime a person is tired, dehydrated, not getting the right nutrition, or when there’s something out of place compressing a nerve or inflaming soft

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  • January 2020 Chiropractic Newsletter

    New Year, New Spine The New Year is here! Have you thought about your New Year’s resolution yet? Most people like to cut back on chocolate or get to the gym more, but here’s a different idea: why not focus on taking better care of your spine? If you think about it, your spine is the structural groundwork

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  • December 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Slip & Fall Accidents During This Holiday Season Whether you’re celebrating a snowy holiday or visiting a colder area, it’s important to be careful during this chilly season. Slip and fall accidents happen to people of all ages, it doesn’t matter how physically fit you are! Whether you slip on

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  • November 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Tips for Traveling with Joint Pain As we approach the holiday season, many people will be traveling to parts of the country with different weather. If you suffer from joint pain, the trip and the change of climate can take a toll on you. Airports, train stations, and bus stations must provide accommodations

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  • October 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Prevent Back Injury While Doing Yard Work Sometimes a sporting injury isn’t the only way you can injure your back. If you’re a homeowner, outdoor tasks such as raking, gardening, mowing, and mulching can cause unnecessary back strain if you aren’t careful. As they always say, it’s better to work

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  • September 2019 Chiropractic Newsletter

    Brachial Plexus Injuries If you’ve suffered from tingling, numbness, or pain radiating down your arm, the problem may actually be nerve damage closer to your shoulder. Most of the nerves in the arm arise from the cervical spine, gathering in the neck. They bundle together with a nerve from the upper

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